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14 novembre 2019
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MUTEKLIVE218 - Stephanie Castonguay

208 Stephanie Castonguay 900x670

Stephanie Castonguay (CA/QC)
Play 3 - August 24, 2019
Mastered by @pheek (

Who: Montréal-based musician, composer and sound artist Stephanie Castonguay

Style: DIY electrical explorations, circuit-bent obsolete electronics wired for sound and motion; experimental audiovisual performances and art installations exploring memory; chaos and the materiality of technologies

Latest: La performance Scanner Me, Darkly (2019), installation Floating Ground (2018)

More: At MUTEK Castonguay performs Scanner Me, Darkly, converting the optical signals of altered scanner heads into sound. She also performs in Ensemble d'oscillateurs, an analog oscillator ensemble conducted by Nicolas Bernier, re-sculpting pieces by early electronic music composers

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