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12 décembre 2019
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MUTEKLIVE214 - The Quark Model

214 The Quark Model 900x670

The Quark Model (IR/QC/CA) @the-quark-model
Catalysis = Activation = Reaction Live
August 24, 2019

Mastered by @pheek (

Who: Interdisciplinary sound artists and educators Honey Haq Pazhutan and Max Pazhutan

Style: Pulsating synthesizer rhythms, digital code catalyzed into organic, improvised techno explorations

More: Last year's MUTEK offering from the duo involved improvised theremin broadcast over electronically amplified brainwaves

Appears as part of Amplify - led by the British Council, MUTEK and Somerset House Studios, with the support of Canada Council for the Arts.

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