Montréal Québec Canada
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Edition 21

MUTEK Montréal invites you to its Edition 21, running from August 25 to 30, 2020, with six days and nights of audiovisual performances, live electronic music and a full theatre of experiences that will push the boundaries of digital art and engage you in the playground that is our city.

The festival week also integrates MUTEK_IMG Edition 6, a forum on current practices in digital creation, as well as DIGI LAB and SONIC CIRCUITS, our free daytime activities and instruments showroom.

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The MUTEK festival has taken place in Montréal since 2000 and has distinguished itself as an international rendezvous for original and avant-garde programming. In terms of content, the festival’s range strives to be diverse, with interests in both the experimental and the playful sides of digital creativity. MUTEK’s programming intends to create a sonic space that can support innovation in new electronic music and digital art.

Over the years, the MUTEK festival has presented a considerable number of renowned artists while simultaneously providing an important showcase for up-and-coming talent. Each edition offers a notable array of Canadian, North American, and even international premieres. The festival provides an open, inviting environment that encourages rewarding exchanges between artists, professionals, and the public; MUTEK is a point of convergence, drawing participants from all over the world to profit from a context of active discovery.

Beyond the core festival in Montréal, MUTEK has developed many other activities, both in Montréal and on the international scene.

Votre gouvernement est très fier de soutenir le festival MUTEK, un événement de création numérique et de musique électronique d’envergure qui propose des productions audacieuses et innovantes. En plus de mettre en lumière le talent de nos artistes, MUTEK est l’occasion pour les professionnels de l’industrie, en provenance d’ici et de l’étranger, d’échanger sur les nouvelles pratiques et les avancées dans le domaine des arts numériques. Depuis vingt ans déjà, ce festival contribue au développement culturel de Montréal ainsi qu’à son rayonnement à l’international, tout en générant des retombées économiques et touristiques importantes. Nous invitons les amateurs d’art et de musique à prolonger leur séjour dans notre belle métropole afin de s’imprégner de son dynamisme et de son effervescence. Bonnes découvertes!

- Caroline Proulx - Ministre du Tourisme
