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November 7, 2023
News List

Call for projects - 8th edition of Atelier Grand Nord XR

Mutek Forum2023 08 23 web cred Maryse Boyce 3309

SODEC is launching its call for projects aimed at Quebec producers for the 8th edition of the Grand North XR Workshop, which will take place from April 26 to May 1, 2024, in Outaouais. It will be followed by two days of company visits in Montreal on May 2 and 3 (program to be announced).

An adaptation of the traditional Grand North Workshop, focused on screenwriting but centered around virtual reality, augmented reality, or mixed reality, the Grand North XR Workshop offers a unique opportunity for participants to discuss their projects with consultants. It fosters dialogue about their respective works, encourages the exchange of ideas and perspectives, and aims to create connections that facilitate collaboration on future productions or co-productions.

The Grand North XR Workshop brings together French-speaking XR project teams in development (two persons per project, including the producer and a member of the creative team) from France, Belgium, Switzerland, Luxembourg, and Quebec.

Selected Quebec projects will receive a grant of $100,000 CAD to develop their expertise.

Call for projects

Details and Submit Your Project

For more information and eligibility criteria, please refer to the call for projects.

To submit your project, please complete the registration form with the required documents no later than December 8, 2023.

Contact Information

Véronique Le Sayec
Delegate for International Affairs – SODEC
514 841-2209

This eighth edition is organized by the Société de développement des entreprises culturelles (SODEC), in collaboration with MUTEK, with the support of the Centre national du cinéma et de l’image animée (CNC), the Fondation de formation continue pour le cinéma et l’audiovisuel (FOCAL) et de Cinéforom, de Wallonie-Bruxelles International, de Film Fund Luxembourg, the Canada Media Fund (CMF), the National Film Board (ONF) and Xn Québec.

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