Edition 2009
"2009 represents MUTEK's 10th anniversary, marking the passing of a decade in which it's grown to become truly world-renowned - rivalling Barcelona's Sonar in terms of its line-up, but retaining a very intimate, community-based feel." - Kiran Sande, FACT Magazine
MUTEK's 10th anniversary brings the organization to new heights. Festival attendance doubles to over 20,500 festivalgoers participating in the indoor programming. Over 68,000 people participate in both indoor and outdoor events. MUTEK's tourism record is also broken, with 56% of festivalgoers coming from outside of Montreal. This achievement is recognized by Tourisme Québec, who name MUTEK as winners of the provincial Grands Prix du Tourisme du Québec in the category "Festival and Touristic Events (Budget under $1M)".
190 artists and specialists from 23 different countries contribute to the 95 performances, projects and professional events during the MUTEK_10 festival. The festival also includes an inaugural series of outdoor audiovisual projects, Extra_Muros, that play with the urban landscape in 5 different locations in Montreal. A new venue is also incorporated into the festival, the Place des Arts, at the heart of Montreal's Quartier des Spectacles.

Adam Marshall CA / Akufen CA / Alva Noto DE / Appleblim UK / Artificiel CA / AtomTMDE / Aun CA / Brendon Moeller US / Byetone DE / Carl Craig US / Clinker CA / Cyclo [Carsten Nicolai + Ryoji Ikeda] DE/JP / Deadbeat CA / Deadbeat & Paul St Hilaire CA/DE / Dominique Skoltz CA / dOP FR / Ernesto Ferreyra AR/CA / Ezekiel Honig US / Gas DE / Ghislain Poirier CA / Herman Kolgen CA / I8U CA / Jahcoozi DE / Jaki Liebezeit & Burnt Friedman DE / Jeremy Ellis US / Lusine US / Mala of Digital Mystikz UK / Martin Tétreault & Michel Langevin of Voivod CA / Mateo & Pheek CA / Mathew Jonson VS Dandy Jack CA/CL / Matt Thibideau CA / Mike Shannon CA / Moderat DE / Modern Deep Left Quartet CA / Moonstarr CA / Nego Moçambique BR / Nick Bugayev MX / Nortec Collective (Bostich + Fussible) MX / Novi_Sad GR / NSI. DE / Organ Mood CA / Original Hamster CL / Pax Kingz CA / Pezzner US / Pilooski FR / Rafael Lozano-Hemmer CA/MX / Ricardo Villalobos & ZIP CL/DE / Robert Henke & Christopher Bauder DE / SND UK / Stefan Betke DE / Stephen Beaupré CA / The Fun Years US / The Modern Deep Left Quartet CA / The Mole CA / The Sight Below US / Thomas Fehlmann DE / tobias. DE / Trus'me UK / Turzi Electronic Experience FR / Uwe Schmidt DE / Zombie Zombie FR / and more…