Dômesicle | Montréal
Saturday, May 28, 2022
5:00 pm_3:00 am
Société des arts technologiques [SAT]
Get ready to take over the dome and its 360-degree dancefloor! After almost 2 years of absence, Dômesicle is back in the Satosphere with a musical program concocted by the collectives Homegrown Harvest, MUTEK, MFC Records and Shift Radio. Expect to be amazed by the visual performances of the VJs orchestrated by the SAT. We can't wait to see you at the dome!
Terrasse (free)
17:00-19:30: Ramzilla (CA)
19:30-22:00: Vincent Lemieux (CA)
22:00-00:00- Ohm Hourani (CA)
00:00-1:00: Phèdre (CA)
1:00-3:00: Pascale Project (CA)
VJs: BunBun + Isotone