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January 20, 2020
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MUTEKLIVE216 - Desert Bloom

216 Desert Bloom 900x670

Desert Bloom (CA/QC)
Nocturne 6
August 25, 2019

Mastered by Pheek (

Who: West Coast-born, Montréal-based producer Rachel Nam
Style: A hazy blend of lush piano tones; bubbling and cascading percussive patterns; effervescent, swirling vocals
Labels: Moon Boy Records
Latest: DB (2018), auto-production
More: Fans of Desert Bloom can seek out a Listserv where Nam will automatically connect them to her new releases as they're created

Appears as part of Amplify.
Amplify is led by the British Council, MUTEK and Somerset House Studios, with the support of Canada Council for the Arts.

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